Why Are You Cutting My Brown Hairs?

A couple of days ago it was time for haircuts. Rachel and I mutually agreed to use the clippers on my head and give me a buzz of sorts. I look pretty funny because of my cone head and receding hairline. I’ve come to terms with it though. Afterwards it was Gehrig’s turn for another summertime buzz. As he was sitting there with his chin pressed into his chest watching his hair fall to the ground he said, "Why are you cutting my brown hairs?"

Apparently Gehrig wants to fit in. He’s the only blonde in the family. He was born with blonde hair and blue eyes, but after about a year and a half his eyes turned green. Now his hair is starting to darken. He likes that because he wants to look like me, so he was pretty concerned to see that we were cutting his "brown hairs".

6 thoughts on “Why Are You Cutting My Brown Hairs?

  1. I’m probably at 65% now. I color it. I was not ready in my 30s and I’m not ready now to be gray. (If my hair would look like Emmy’s, well maybe!)Personally, I think this in-between stage of “going gray” where it’s just shinowg up mixed in your natural color, can make women actually look older and tired. It’s a slow process, so you aren’t totally gray for YEARS.I have known people who pulled it off. One woman at church comes to mind who gradually went salt and peppery and somehow it was ok on her. Coloring it is a giant pain, as the 2 inch roots I’m sporting today testify to.

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