Stupid Jerk?

As Gehrig was delivering his birthday invitations, he came back to the car after getting no answer at that door. I asked, “Did you ring the doorbell?”


“Why not?”

He smiled and said, “Because I’m stupid.” He then got back out of the car to ring the doorbell.

Nolan was in the back seat listening. As soon as Gehrig got out of the car he said, “What a jerk!”

I think my kids are watching too much TV.

The Innocent Dane

Have you ever seen that movie the Ugly Dachshund? There was a scene from that movie that I walked into after snow-blowing my ginormous driveway this morning. Dustin was at physical therapy, Gracie and Gehrig were at school, and I started a show for Nolan and Murph…but something else got into their little minds…

Just like the movie…our dog was not to blame. I have two ‘ugly dachshunds’ named Nolan and Murphy. Yes, it’s my fault…I left them alone. But at least this incident gave me a  good laugh.

“I didn’t do it.”

The guilty ones.